<aside> 🌊 Welcome to our public roadmap! After reading this document you will learn what we are planning to achieve in 2023 and how are we gonna do it


Product goals for 2023

Mazury's mission is to create a world where anyone can discover and connect with talent based on their abilities and accomplishments, rather than relying on traditional signals and unverifiable claims. We believe that Web3 and sovereign identities will make this possible.

In 2022, we built a high-performance system for aggregating and searching web3 credentials. Our users can log in with their wallets, claim their profiles, and be discovered by recruiters.

The theme for 2023 is simple:

✅ we built a piece of cool and useful tech

🔜 now we need to make it useful and build a business on top of it.

How do we make it useful

Supporting recruiters

We need mazury to be embedded in most web3 recruiting projects. If people in crypto are not using this then we are not creating any value and thus we cannot capture any.

Creating utility for web3 credentials

Our largest bet is that all credentials and diplomas should have their verified record, either as a verifiable credential or an onchain nft.

Why should it be like this? What’s the incentive?

Mazury’s responsibility as a company is making these nfts useful — ideally for providing talent/recruiters with unique opportunities that they couldn’t get with just an easily forgable coursera pdf.

What will we build to achieve these goals?

So here comes the actual roadmap 🙂

Canban board

2023 Roadmap

How do we decide on what to prioritize?